Roser-style scarf marionettes
Learn how to build your own Roser-style scarf marionette and bring it to life in this fun, hands-on workshop! Award-winning artist Sarah Frechette will share wisdom from the String Academy, drawing on her years of study with German master puppeteer Albrecht Roser. You'll be amazed at how simple, elegant, and expressive a marionette can be. All participants will take home a completed scarf marionette and the basic movement vocabulary needed to create a solo performance.
First scarf puppet I ever made while studying with Roser. This one is something special!
Sarah’s connection to Albrecth Roser:
Sarah studied with Legendary Master Puppeteer Albrecht Roser absorbing his theories of zen and the art of puppetry. From 2002-2009 Sarah attended many String Academies eventually studying solo at his studio in Buoch, Germany. Roser is known internationally as a specialist for string puppetry and was highlighted in Jim Henson’s “The World of Puppetry” series. Roser started experimenting and developing in 1951, based on his study with F. H. Bross, the genial German puppet maker. Roser created this style of string puppet in response to others who thought making marionettes was too hard, requiring years to perfect their manipulation. Roser believed that if you build a puppet incorporating knowledge of gravity and motion, then anyone can be successful.
For a finer look at his life’s work check out:
This Workshop Has Been Conducted At...
Via 1:1 lessons on Zoom (email for more info)
Puk Museum in Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline, MA (which is pictured below)